Protection Policy Statement
Safeguarding children is the responsibility of everyone
We recognise the responsibility & importance of safeguarding and promote the welfare of children within the legal framework of the Children Acts 1989 and 2004.
We are aware that many children and young people are the victims of different kinds of abuse and that they can be subjected to social factors that have an adverse impact on their lives including domestic violence, substance misuse, bullying, child prostitution and ritualistic abuse.
We aim to create a safe environment within which children and young people can thrive and adults can work with the security of clear guidance. Under the terms of the Children Act, 2004 anyone under the age of 18 is a child/young person.
These guidelines are for the use of all paid staff, volunteers, and visitors. We will make them available to the parents and carers of the children and young people to whom we offer a service.
Through them, we will endeavor to ensure that:
• Children and young people are listened to, valued and respected
• Staff are aware of the need to be alert to the signs of abuse and know what to do with their concerns
• All paid and unpaid staff are subject to rigorous recruitment procedures
• All paid and unpaid staff are given appropriate support and training
•All child protection concerns should be acted upon immediately. Any concerns that a child might be at risk or is suffering abuse will be reported to our Nominated Person.
Furthermore, we will endeavour to keep up-to-date with national developments relating to the care and protection of children and young people.