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Complaints Policy & Procedure


At all times we will display a notice giving the name of the manager and the number for comments and complaints.

We will have Ofsted’s details on display.

Copies of this policy and procedure will be available to parents on request.

All staff/volunteer will be made aware of this policy and procedure.

We will deal with any complaint in a sympathetic manner

In the event of a complaint we will follow these procedures:

We will request that all formal complaints are to be made in person, by telephone or in writing.

Minor complaints will be dealt with on the spot.

The member of staff dealing with the complaint completes the complaints form which is forwarded to me.

An acknowledgement letter will be dispatched within 2 working days of the complaint where appropriate.

Any serious complaints particularly concerning staff misconduct will always be referred to Social Services and Ofsted.

W ewill aim to deal with all complaints within 28 days.

All complaints records and their outcomes will be retained for a minimum of 3 years or until the next Ofsted inspection.

Records will be stored confidentially and made available to Ofsted upon request.

Drug & Alcohol Policy


For the purpose of this policy substance abuse is defined as:

“The consumption or use of alcohol, solvent or drug, whether prescribed or not, which when taken into the body, adversely affects an employee’s work performance, conduct, attendance or normal social behaviour at work”.


Drug abuse is defined as:


“Either taking a prescribed medication in excessive doses or the use of an illegal substance”.



Staff must not drink alcohol or take drugs while on duty, on breaks or immediately before, working with the children to ensure they present no health and safety risk to themselves or others.



1. Any member of staff who is found in possession of or to have used an illegal drug

or consumed alcohol whilst at work will be guilty of gross misconduct.


2. Possession of or dealing in an illegal substance will be reported immediately to the



3. Staff taking prescribed drugs that may affect their ability to work or have side effects must discuss this with the childminder at the first opportunity.


4. If I suspect a parent or carer is under the influence of drugs or

alcohol and feel the child’s welfare is at risk the child protection procedures must be


 Emergency Evacuation Procedure


If you discover a fire:


1. Operate nearest alarm point

2. Dial 999 and report it to the Fire Brigade


On hearing the alarm:


3. Leave the building by the nearest exit

4. Do not stop to collect personal belongings or take risks

5. The appointed staff below should inspect all locations inside:

6.Close all doors behind you

7. The appointed staff below must take the registers and escort the children to the meeting point at the rear of the building and calmly walk out through the alley way to the front of the house or we walk out through the front door to the side of the road away from the building.


Name ______ Collect Register and Sign in sheet


Name _____ Escort Children


8. The appointed staff below will carry out a head count and mark the register


Name ______Head Count and Register


9. Complete the fire drill book



DO NOT enter the building unless informed to by Fire Brigade

Equal Opportunities Policy

I am committed in taking positive and proactive steps to ensure that we provide a safe and caring environment, free from discrimination, for everyone

This equal opportunities procedure aims to help everyone involved to counteract and eliminate both direct and indirect discrimination in decision-making, employment practices and service provision and to ensure that our services strive to achieve equality of opportunity for all.

I aim to provide a welcoming and caring environment that promotes and reflects cultural and social diversity and is equally accessible to all. I will endeavour to challenge any offensive behaviour, language or attitudes with regards to race, ethnicity, nationality, class, religion, culture, gender, language, sexual orientation and disability.

I recognise that achieving the objectives of the equal opportunities policy relies on the active involvement of parents/carers, As such; I will welcome and encourage parents and carers to get involved in the setting and to comment on the effectiveness of its policies and procedures.


Equal Opportunities Procedures

To realise the objective of creating an environment free from discrimination and welcoming to all, we will:

• Ensure that race, ethnicity, nationality, class, religion, culture, gender, language, sexual orientation and disability do not inhibit a child from accessing our services.

• Treat all children and their parents/carers with equal concern and value.

• Have regard for promo ting understanding, respect and awareness of diversity and equal opportunities issues in planning and implementing a programme of activities.

• Help all children to celebrate and express their cultural and religious identity by providing a wide range of appropriate resources and activities.

• Ensure that our recruitment policies and procedures are open, fair and non discriminatory.

• Ensure that all members of play worker staff are aware of, and understand, the Equal Opportunities policy as it relates to all aspects of our work.

• Encourage and support play workers to act as positive role models to children by displaying and promoting tolerant and respectful behaviour, language and attitudes and challenging any discriminatory behaviour

• Treat seriously any Play workers found to be acting, or who have been acting, in a discriminatory way discriminatory way

• Work to fulfil all the legal requirements of the Equality Act 2010, the Human Rights Act 1998 and the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000

Food and Drink Policy and Procedure


Statement of intent

My setting regards snack and meal times as an important part of the session/day. Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy foods.



At snack and meal times, we aim to provide nutritious Snack e.g Fruits and vegetables, which meets the children's individual dietary needs.



  • Before a child starts to attend the setting; I will find out from parents their children's dietary needs, including any allergies.
  • I will record information about each child's dietary needs in her/his registration record and parents sign the record to signify that it is correct.
  • Parents will be consulted regularly to ensure that records of their children's dietary needs - including any allergies - are up-to-date. Parents sign the up-dated record to signify that it is correct.
  •  Current information about individual children's dietary needs will be displayed so that all staff and volunteers are fully informed.
  • I implement systems to ensure that children receive only food and drink which is consistent with their dietary needs and their parents' wishes.
  • Menus of meals/snacks will be displayed for the information of parents.
  • Nutritious food will be provided at all meals times, avoiding large quantities of fat, sugar and salt and artificial additives, preservatives and colourings.
  •  The following elements in meals which are offered:
    • Protein for growth; and
    • Essential minerals and vitamins in raw foods, salads and fruits.
  •  Foods from the diet of each of the children's cultural backgrounds, providing children with familiar foods and introducing them to new ones.
  • Through discussion with parents and research reading by staff, we obtain information about the dietary rules of the religious groups, to which children and their parents belong, and of vegetarians and vegans, and about food allergies. I will take account of this information in the provision of food and drinks.
  • Volunteers and staff will be required to show sensitivity in providing for children's diets and allergies. Staff do not use a child's diet or allergy as a label for the child or make a child feel singled out because of her/his diet or allergy.
  • Meal and snack times will be organised so that they are social occasions in which children and staff participate.
  • We use meal and snack times to help children to develop independence through making choices, serving food and drink and feeding themselves.
  • I will provide children with utensils, which are appropriate for their ages and stages of development and which take account of the eating practices in their cultures.
  •  Fresh drinking water is constantly available for the children. Children are informed on how to obtain the water and that they can ask for water at any time during the session/day.
  • In accordance with parents' wishes, we offer children arriving early in the morning and/or staying late an appropriate meal or snack.
  • I have rules about children sharing and swapping their food with one another in order to protect children with food allergies.


Packed Lunch Guidance

  • Please ensure you do not send nuts in your child’s lunchbox as some children have allergies.
  • Please ensure your child has sufficient food in their lunch box to last them throughout the day including snack times.
  • Please provide your child lunch in a clearly labelled lunch box or bag.
  • Having fun is thirsty work so please supply plenty of drinks for your child. Avoid sugary and fizzy drinks. Instead use water or fruit juice. Please do not send drinks in glass bottles.
  • I do have refrigeration facilities.
  • If you make sandwiches the night before, wrap them up and keep them in the fridge overnight.
  • If you include a carton of fruit juice, keep it in the freezer until the morning before it will be drunk. Then put it directly in the lunch box - it will have thawed by lunchtime and kept the rest of the food cool.
  • Use a small, insulated cool bag.

Health and Safety Policy


Risk Assessment

My setting will carry out, record and review annual risk assessments. Risk assessments will also be conducted as and when hazards arise. Any member of the team can complete these assessments and the findings must be reported to senior member of staff and filed in the relevant folder.

Setting Policies

My setting has a variety of relevant policies and procedures to support members of staff. These policies are reviewed regularly and made available to parents and carers.

Immunisation/vaccination                                                              At Joyshappier Childcare, we enrol children who are immunised/vaccinated only; as children who are not immunised/vaccinated can transmit and infect others with vaccine-preventable disease at the settings and in the community.

Fire Safety

The fire evacuation procedures are on display. I will complete regular Fire Drills to ensure children are aware of their responsibilities. These are recorded in a fire drill logbook and reviewed. Fire exits are clearly identifiable and always kept clear. Fire fighting detection and equipment is checked regularly.



The entrance and exits to my setting is safe and secure. All visitors are required to report to me and sign the visitor’s book. Children and staff are signed in and out of the building on a daily basis.

I will obtain written permission from parents where children are to be collected by another adult.


Outside Play Area

I will conduct a health and safety check around the outside play space before children are allowed access.


During activities all staff members are required to be vigilant about the resources and equipment in use. Any broken or damage equipment must be removed or replaced and reported to a senior member of staff. An equipment inventory will be maintained including a cleaning schedule.

Hazardous Substances

Cleaning equipment and fluids are stored safely and securely as per Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) guidance. These will always be kept out of the reach of children.

All staff are provided with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for example disposable gloves and aprons.


 I have up to date public liability insurance and the certificate  is available to parents on request.

Food Handling

 I have always attended food hygiene training and follow good practice .

First Aid

I am  first aid trained and have a well-stocked first aid box  that is always easily accessible on site  and the contents reviewed regularly. This will be taken on trips or into other areas used during activities.

(See Illnesses & Injuries Policy for more detail)

Accident Record

Any accidents involving either children or staff must be recorded in the relevant accident book and signed by a parent and manager. Serious accidents will be reported to Ofsted.


Lighting & Temperature

I will ensure that the setting premises is adequately ventilated and well lit. Daylight will be the main source of light where this is not possible, we will ensure that lighting is of good quality.

An appropriate temperature will always be maintained and monitored .

Electrical Equipment

All electrical equipment will be visually checked before use at all time.